Tale Heydarov is a recipient of the Progress Medal for his Contribution to the Development of the Azerbaijani Diaspora, awarded by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. He was formerly the Founder and Chairman of The European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS), a non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting the business and culture of Azerbaijan across Europe, in addition to raising awareness of the humanitarian crisis emanating from then Armenian–Azerbaijani conflict over Karabakh.
Tale was previously the Founder and President of the Qabala Sports Club. He was also Chairman of football team FK Qabala, both of which had the objective of raising the standard of sports professionals in Azerbaijan.
Tale is Chairman of Gilan Holding, which has been investing in large-scale projects in Azerbaijan since 1987 in sectors such as development, hospitality, agriculture, and others.
From 2014–19, Tale was Founder and Director of the Azerbaijani Teacher’s Development Centre (ATDC), which offered training from acclaimed international educators for local teachers on state-of-the-art educational methodologies.
He is also Founder and Chairman of the Libraff chain of coffee-bookshops, which stocks books in numerous languages and hosts inspirational literary, theatrical and musical events. Tale founded TEAS Press to increase the quality of publishing in Azerbaijan, focusing on Azerbaijani history, culture, science and literature in the Azerbaijani, English, Russian and Turkish languages. It has an imprint named ‘3 Alma’, which publishes the most engaging children’s literature from around the world in Azerbaijani translations. TEAS Press is also an appointed stockist of the complete suite of Cambridge ELT resources.
From 2006–19, Tale was Chief Editor of Visions of Azerbaijan magazine, a high-quality, internationally-distributed periodical that published fascinating articles and interviews on all aspects of Azerbaijani culture, history and international relations.
Tale attended Collingham College, London, from 2001–03, and read for a BSc International Relations and History at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) from 2003–06. In addition, he achieved a Master’s degree in International Security and Global Governance from Birkbeck, University of London, in 2008.
Publications (Publisher/Editor):
International Visions: The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Karabakh – From History to Future Peace Prospects. Baku, 2007
Azerbaijan: 100 Questions Answered. Baku, 2008
Ordubadi M.S. Years of Blood – A History of the Armenian–Muslim Clashes in the Caucausus, 1905–06. London, 2010
The Armenian Question in the Caucasus – Russian Archive Documents and Publications. Vols. 1–3. London, 2012
Khojaly: Witness of a War Crime – Armenia in the Dock. London, 2014
Qafqazda ‘erməni məsələsi’ – Rusiya arxiv sənədləri və nəşrləri üzrə. Üç cilddə. Bakı, 2011
Foks, L. Şahə qalxan dalğalar – Yeni qlobal reallıqla qarşılaşarkən. Bakı, 2014
Азербайджан: 100 вопросов и ответов. Баку, 2008
«Армянский вопрос» на Кавказе. По материалам российских архивов и изданий. В трех томах. СПб., 2011
Ордубади М.С. Кровавые годы. История армяно-мусульманской войны на Кавказе в 1905–06 годах. СПб. 2010
Карабах: История в контексте конфликта. СПб. 2014
Ходжалы: Очевидцы – О Военных Преступлениях Суд над Арменией, СПб., 2015