ELC – Early Learning Centre
- International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)
- English language of instruction
- Emphasis on Social and Emotional growth through the development of the IB Learner Profile
- Literacy, numeracy and transdisciplinary learning through play
- Three age levels: K3 (3 year olds), K4 (4 year olds) and K5 (5 year olds)
- Specialist Azerbaijani, art, music, PHE and library lessons
- Foreign languages: German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese
Language Development
- English and Azerbaijani speaking homeroom teachers and teaching staff in each classroom
- Children are expected to be proficient in English, by the end of their time in the ELC, in order to access Grade 1 programme in primary
- Parents are expected to support language development at home
Independence and Self-Management
- Children are expected to feed themselves
- Children are expected to use the toilet independently
- Children are expected to dress and change their clothes independently
- Children who do not have these skills at the beginning of the year will be supported by teachers as needed.
- Parents are expected to support this initiative at home and all children are expected to develop these skills within a reasonable time.
- We do not have facilities for diaper changing. All children must be out of diapers by the time they begin school.
- Adequate rest time is provided for the ELC K4-5 students each day
- Beds are provided for the ELC K3 students at the scheduled sleep times
- We recommend 10 – 12 sleeping hours per night.
Outdoor Play
- Outdoor play twice per day (weather permitting)
Daily schedule:
- Start time: 8.05
- End Time: 16.00